
A Sortof Wee Quicky ( mostly about video/computer games )....

Just popping by for a quick "Hi !" and to say a belated Merry Christmas to you and yours. Happy Hanukkah & Kwanzaa too :)

We had a most lovely day with plenty of love & laughter. My 3 most fav. treasures: a Lush Winter Wonderland gift box, lovely birdhouse from our son and a wonderful 'photo painting' of a raven in Haida Gwaii --I'll post a pic. or two a bit later.

Today we took our son to Future Shop ( electronic/game/video toy store ) where he treated himself to some pre-birthday video games. His birthday is Dec. 30th, the big 14 ! He's having a friend spend the night & they'll no doubt be playing games for hours ( with a couple hours of swimming at the nearby recreation place ). Wow, if I was 14 again I'd probably be a big gamer geek too lol ! Though, I really don't play video games actually, mainly sit & watch our son or my husband on his hunting games. Our son & his friends are big on those Call of Duty games & I admit they do seem fun....for awhile. After watching a few minutes of the constant fast moving around, my head starts to hurt & my stomach gets a tad nauseous :P One of these days I might splurge & buy a game called Katamari Forever. I've never played KF but it looks like something up my alley, rolling around & collecting things on an ever growing ball. I think you then take that ball o stuff & use it to fix a problem.
I wish 'they' would create video games along the lines of Fly Guy or
Samorost or Haluz or Things Came Up To My Brain Museum or even Treasure Box , just to name a few of my fav. weird & beautiful point & click computer games. You can actually find them all here: Gamershood --click the Point and Click link on the left
Or how about instead of your basic racing car game, why not create a racing game where you're racing along tracks in space, but instead of being in a car, it's just you flying along like Superman. Maybe have some way to fly without controllers so you get the full effect of flying free, just use body movements ? Of course there would be more to it than simply flying around & trying to bump off your opponents. How about flying around to your fav. music & creating stunning visuals everywhere you go ( and be able to save your stunning creations as tv wallpaper or be able to print them out ) ? Obstacle courses and more ? Sigh, that's just me, living in a never ending dream world. All those war games out there might be great fun to many but all that constant killing gets depressing. To me there's no real 'life' in those games, just the ferocity of death & getting victory. And no matter how much of a 'nice guy role' you're playing, you're still killing. Okay Tracy, calm down now. I am very thankful our son & his friends aren't stupid over these war games, meaning, they don't go out & pretend they're shooting people or thinking it would be 'fun' to kill Nazis, etc. They keep the game play at home inside the Playstation system !

Okay, think I've said enough about games. I'm now in the mood to play Haluz :) If you give them a try, let me know your thoughts on them.

Now off to figure out what to make for dinner ( or just eat Christmas chocolate & nuts....burp )

Ttyl, Tracy ♥

P.S., almost forgot ! My Etsy shop will be closed until all the holiday stuff is over. Should have it back open by Tuesday :)