
Kerfuffle and Kerbobble and an ETSY SALE SALE SALE.....!

What a weird week ! I spent most of it adjusting my brain to getting used to our son being out of school for whatever many weeks it is before he starts again. Don't get me wrong, I love him of course and love him being around...but I also love my alone time which would be spent in the 'art studio' creating. This week was spent doing errands, checking out the Etsy forums and changing my shop prices for my sale. Oh, did I say SALE ?

cue the goofy music and kaleidoscope colors...."Yes everyone, come one, come all, don't be shy...Ye Etsy shop called

is having a

20% off everything in the store sale woohoo !!

I'm doing this in honor of my husbands 40th birthday ( this past thursday ) and for having 100 people consider me their fav. awww.

Sale runs until Monday midnight July 9.

Do pop by and treat yourself or a friend. I guarantee friendly service, happy communication and secure packaging. Shipping costs look good too ;)"

...cue people dancing around in colorful Etsy promo costumes followed by that guy named Bob who volunteered to wear the black foam padded really hot raven costume and carry the huge 'so brightly lit it'll burn your eyes right out of your head' lantern. Remind him he has to spin around 3 times and then hop off the screen like a real raven would.

End of sales promo commercial for Ravensmagiclantern's Etsy shop.

Okay, back to our program...

So yes, as I was saying, what a weird week ! Our dear son spent a lot of time playing his Xbox, he does enjoy his gaming ! Partly our fault too, mostly mine. I too enjoy computer and video games and it shows ( pan down to paunchy tummy and the Woody Allen slouch ). Sigh, what can I say. At least we do still get outside, we all garden ( oh do let me brag for just a spell:I have an english-country style front garden with bee balm, butterfly bush, lavendar,roses,Japanese Maple,grasses,hydrangeas,pansies,snapdragons and more phew ! The side garden has a fig tree,butterfly bush,green onions,lemon thyme,clematis,passion flower vine and other greenery. The backyard is grass edged with giant sunflowers,roses,sugar peas,blueberry bushes,a strawberry patch,giant fuschia bush,pansies and more ) ---so we do kinda have to garden in order for it to look pretty. Oh yes, in the front we also have a gurgler, one of those rocks with a hole in it and you put your water pump tube in it and the water gently gurgles out. Except now it isn't on because the water keeps leaking and the recycled water doesn't get recycled which means an exposed pump which could burn out the motor. We'll figure it out.

Well I'm running out of typing steam and I gather you'd like a break too. Good night !